Boards, Expert Committees
Member, NANOG Board of Directors (June 2022 –): . Elected Chair (January 2023 – )
Member, Advisory Board, Norwich University Master of Science in Information Security and Assurance program (April 2015 — March 2020).
Member, Global Commission on Internet Governance Research Advisory Network (March 2014 — May 2016):
Member, FCC Open Internet Advisory Committee (July 2012 – May 2014):
Member, BITAG (Broadband Internet Technical Advisory Group) Technical Working Group (October 2010 – December 2012):
Panelist, NSF (US National Science Foundation) Review Committee (May 2007): Reviewed research proposals and participated in panel discussion providing input to NSF grant selection process.
NRC/CSTB ISDNS Study (2001): Selected as a committee member in the US National Research Council, Computer Science & Telecommunications Board study on “Internet Searching and the Domain Name System”. (Withdrew for reasons of conflict of interest upon accepting VeriSign employment.)
WWW7 Program Committee (1998): Member of the paper selection committee for the WWW7 conference in Australia, 1998.
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
Leslie has continuously participated in the IETF since 1995.
IETF leadership
IETF Administrative Oversight Committee (IAOC) (June 2015 — March 2018): Nomcom-appointed member of IAOC. Elected Chair (March 2016 – March 2018).
Internet Architecture Board (March 2000 – March 2008): Appointed member of the Internet Engineering Task Force’s IAB. IAB Executive Director (January 2001 – March 2002).
Chair, Internet Architecture Board – IAB (March 2002 – March 2007): Elected Chair of the Internet Engineering Task Force’s IAB. Activities as chair included leading an ad hoc advisory committee on administrative restructuring of the IETF organization; developing and leading implementation of sweeping administrative reorganization. From March 2005 through the end of the term, this also included a voting position on the IETF’s administrative oversight committee (IAOC) and trustee in the IETF Trust.
ICANN PSO-PC (August 1999 – March 2002): Appointed member of the ICANN Protocol Support Organization (PSO) Protocol Council.
IETF Working Groups, BoFs
Co-Chair, IETF Media OPS (MOPS) Working Group (October 2019 – ): Co-chair of the Internet Engineering Task Force’s Media OPS WG, discussing operational issues with using Internet standards for video (media) acquisition and distribution.
Co-Chair, IANAPLAN WG (September 2014 – November 2016): Co-lead of working group chartered to develop the IETF response to transitioning IANA out of US Department of Commerce oversight.
Co-Chair, CONEX (Congestion Exposure) BoFs (October 2009, March 2010): Worked with technical experts to shape technical agenda for congestion exposure work, subsequently chartered as an IETF WG.
Chair, IETF CNRP Working Group (1999 – 2002): Chaired the Internet Engineering Task Force’s “Common Name Resolution Protocol” working group to successful completion of specifications.
Co-Chair, IETF IMPP Working Group (2000 – 2002): Co-chair of the Internet Engineering Task Force’s “Instant Messaging and Presence Protocol” working group.
Co-Chair, IETF URN Working Group (1996 – 2002): Co-chaired the Internet Engineering Task Force’s Uniform Resource Name standardization working group to successful completion of specifications.